1. Official Airline
BWIA West Indian Airways. Discounts will be arranged if each country utilizes the Championships official airline.
2. Official Hotels
Information on the various hotels is still being finalized. However, 50% deposit is required no later than January, 2004. Full payment due on arrival.
3. Climatic Conditions
The climate in Trinidad is tropical sunny/rainy weather conditions.
4. Visa Requirements
Citizens of the USA, Canada and most European Commonwealth countries do not require visas. Visas are required by citizens of some countries, including Australia, New Zealand, India an Sri Lanka. In most countries, visas are obtained through the British Embassy.
5. Time
GM/UTC minus 4 hours
6. Banking Hours
Friday 9th April, 2004 (Good Friday), Saturday 10th April, 2004 (Glorious Saturday), Sunday 11th April, 2004 (Easter Sunday and Monday 12th April, 2004 (Easter Monday) are public holidays in Trinidad and banks will not be open to do any monetary transactions. Credit card transactions will be accepted in banks and in many business places .
7. Electricity
110V and 220V, 60 Hz
8. Currency
$1US = $6.15 TT
$1 Euro = $7.30TT
$1 Can = $4.69 TT
£1 = $10.43 TT
$1EC = $2.30TT
These rates are indicative and are subject to change
9. Health risks
Dengue fever; a vaccination certificate for yellow fever is required for
travelers who have been in any country in the past six months where
yellow fever is endemic (e.g. South America countries). It is also
advised that competitors make an effort to be vaccinated for Hepatitis
B. However, it is not mandatory.
10. Lunch
Lunch will be provided on the days of Tournament at a cost of US$3. per lunch. Please indicate when submitting your documents if lunch will be required.
11. Sightseeing Tours
Please indicate when submitting your documents if anyone will be interested in the sightseeing tours.
12. Currency
US$ currency will be the international currency accepted.
13. Departure Tax
Departure Tax is charged by the Government when leaving Trinidad & Tobago. The cost is $100 TT or $17 US.
14. Religious Service
Please indicate when submitting your documents if anyone will be interested in the attending Easter Sunday church service.